


Toptal is a global network of top talent in business, 设计, technology that enables companies to scale their teams, 随需应变. 年收入超过2亿美元 团队成员遍布全球, Toptal是 世界上最大的完全远程劳动力.

我们将虚拟团队的最佳元素与鼓励创新的支持结构相结合, 社会互动, 和有趣的. We see no borders, move at a fast pace, are never afraid to break the mold.


作为总经理, 您将作为新业务的端到端所有者,在推动Toptal的发展方面发挥关键作用, 高影响力业务线. Leveraging your commercial and entrepreneurial experience, you will build the business from the ground up, starting with market positioning and strategy, 通过建立产品与市场的契合度, 然后, towards profitability and scalable business operations.

这是一个偏远的位置. Applicants must be authorized to work in the US at the time of hire. 重新开始s and communication must be submitted in English.


以下信息旨在描述正在执行的工作的一般性质和级别. 它并不打算是所有职责、责任或所需技能的详尽清单.

Your primary objective will be to ensure the success of the business, 以收入增长衡量, 管道的健康, 以及毛利率. As the single accountable owner for the business P&L, you will work to optimize supply and demand for the business, balance driving the top line while achieving operational efficiency. 您将与执行和高级领导密切合作,以确保业务与Toptal更广泛的增长目标保持一致, represents the Toptal brand in every aspect.

当你建立你的商业战略, 您将分析市场和行业机会,并识别那些最有潜力的. 遵循敏捷方法, you will build and test new offerings with clients, using initial client feedback to quickly achieve product-market fit. Working closely with Marketing and Talent Operations, 您将领导制定执行计划,以确保找到合适的人才和/或解决方案,并根据客户的需求提供给他们.

成功的关键是你与客户在第一线工作的能力, guiding them as a trusted business partner through their business challenges, 在Toptal内部,你将与市场部等团队进行跨职能合作, 法律, 金融, 和销售. 另外, 您将建立健壮的分析和反馈循环,以不断迭代您的初始策略, ensuring constant refinement and improvement.

这个引人注目的职位要求领导者具有非凡的沟通技巧, 企业家精神, an unwavering commitment to driving growth. 如果你热衷于创办新企业,并将其转化为可观的收入机会, 我们鼓励您加入我们的团队,站在Toptal持续成功的最前沿.


  • 并集成到Toptal.
  • Learn Toptal’s business model, our value proposition, our story.
  • 跟踪整个组织的关键团队,了解Toptal的核心业务和能力.


  • Understand our go-to-market model across SMB and Enterprise, be able to articulate Toptal’s capabilities and differentiators.
  • 进行市场和行业调查, identifying opportunities and form your hypothesis for business positioning.
  • 与市场部紧密合作,研究并验证市场机会和满足需求的能力.
  • Build your initial GTM strategy and offerings, 通过直接的客户电话和会议反馈来迭代策略, while exercising discretion and independent judgment.


  • Partner with Marketing and Talent Operations to develop a robust launch strategy, ensuring all aspects follow Toptal’s launch playbook and best practices.
  • 利用法务部的内部跨职能支持,开始执行您的GTM策略, 金融, 和其他人.
  • 与销售领导合作,在客户追求和交付过程中与客户团队合作.


  • 是否已经执行了GTM战略的第一阶段,并显示出毛收入和管道数量的实质性增长.
  • 深入嵌入SMB和企业客户的集成客户框架, participating in account planning exercises and industry events.


  • Have broadened Toptal’s reach into key industry and subsectors.
  • Continue scaling the infrastructure required for execution, 包括优化人员, 流程, 和系统.
  • Be able to look back on consecutive quarters of growth, 实现产品市场契合,成功实现核心业务和销售kpi.


  • 本科以上学历. Master’s degree in Engineering, Business, or a related field preferred.
  • 10年以上的业务管理经验,对业务运作和管理原则有深刻的理解.
  • 3+ years managing a business specifically with P&L所有权.
  • 在专业服务机构工作经验,推动业务增长.
  • 表现出的成功, or entrepreneurial experience that is commensurate to, building and launching a new business or product offering from scratch.
  • Experience at a technology or hyper-growth company is strongly preferred.
  • Management consulting experience at a top-tier firm (e.g.有投资银行工作经验者优先考虑,但不是必需的.
  • 领导经验, including responsibility for business results in a fast-paced, 多功能环境.
  • 精细化的关系发展 & 具有领导能力,在组织的各个层面建立信誉方面有成功的记录. 您可以在整个业务中发展积极的关系,在关键计划上与伙伴合作,并在过程和策略上获得共识.
  • Experience with marketing technology and automation, including familiarity with marketing platforms, 有证, 以及其他技术.
  • Experience establishing high-impact, revenue-generating commercial relationships.
  • 对自己的分析能力有信心, 在模棱两可和复杂的项目工作中成功交付结果.
  • 敏锐的商业头脑, 通过对市场需求和业务目标的敏锐理解,告知所有优先事项和决策.
  • 对P的强大控制&L和财务指标.
  • Must have excellent written and oral communication skills. Good communication is at the core of everything we do, 你必须是一个强有力的沟通者,能够与从高级管理人员到个人贡献者的广泛利益相关者合作.
  • Excellent organization skills and detail-oriented. 你的组织能力很强, 知道如何高效地工作, 优先执行, 并指导其他人也这样做.
  • 适应性强的. 善于管理不断变化的优先事项, 学习新技能, building consensus across varied senior stakeholder groups.
  • 所有权. 你是一个可靠的领导者,对自己的成功和整个团队的成功负责.
  • 质量. You take pride in everything you deliver as a reflection of yourself.
  • 能适应快节奏的工作, rapidly growing company and handle a wide variety of challenges, 最后期限, 还有各种各样的联系人.
  • You must be a world-class individual contributor to thrive at Toptal. You will not be here just to tell other people what to do.


  • Regularly and reliably attend scheduled virtual team meetings on camera.
  • Work independently with minimal supervision.
  • Use all required digital collaboration tools.
  • Prioritize and self-manage workflows and 最后期限.


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作为Toptal的首席执行官, Taso管理着Toptal分布在世界各地的数百名团队成员的核心团队, 专注于创新. Toptal成立于2010年, Taso has led it to become the largest high-skilled, 全球按需人才网络. Taso serves on the board of multiple organizations, advising on talent strategy and innovation for Fortune 100s and nonprofits. Taso has guest lectured at Harvard Business School, 沃顿商学院, Oxford on talent management and entrepreneurship.

Vicky Mackie

Vicky Mackie


As Toptal's 人才运营和客户高级副总裁, Vicky负责通过提供卓越的销售经验,并为客户匹配Toptal全球网络中的合适人才,确保成功的客户成果. 在加入Toptal之前, Vicky在贝恩公司担任管理顾问期间积累了战略和运营经验 & 公司. 在那里, 她与不同行业的管理团队合作,解决他们最关键的问题. Vicky获得了Ivey商学院的工商管理荣誉学位.



我们正在改变世界运转的方式. Toptal不仅是一个发展你的事业和设计你自己的生活方式的地方, 同时也是一个你可以学习如何开发创新来推动商业和技术发展的公司.

我觉得你很合适? 应用如下:


What is the highest level of education you have completed? We verify education as a part of our hiring process.


Please select all of the following that are true. 我有...

By submitting your application, you are agreeing to Toptal’s 服务条款, 隐私政策, 饼干的政策. Toptal may record your interview for quality assurance and training purposes.
Interested in joining our global talent network?